Seventh and Eighth Grade

History and Culture

Language Arts

    Dee Ni Plot Diagram - 0708.Fall.School.DeeNiPlotDiagram (PDF)

Social Studies - Dee Ni Peer Court – K’wee‐shvt naa‐gha (PDF)

    06.season.theme.title - Minute to Win It (PDF)



    0708.season.theme.title - Be Dee Ni Prepared (PDF)


Art & Media


    STLP13_MS1_Storytelling_Guide - Dee Ni Tall Tales (PDF)

    STLP13_MS2_Writing_Guide - Dee Ni Writing Scoring Guide (PDF)

Community Service - Dee Ni Clothing Drive (PDF) (Audio)

Speaking and Listening

    0708.season.theme.title - Ceremony of the Rat Marvin (PDF)

    0708.w.stories.ratmarvintale - Tale of the Rat Marvin (PDF) - Tell a Tall Tale or Meet the Hyperbole Family

    MS.sum.spaceandsky.WhytheSky - Why the Sky (PDF)

Various Subject Areas

    MS.spr.relationships.LoveLanguage - Love of Language (PDF)

    07_08.season.theme.SA.title - Dee Ni Slanguage (PDF)

    MS.s.growing.Farmer’s Market - Dee Ni Farmer’s Market (PDF)

Writing - Been There, Done That (PDF) - All in the Family Tree (PDF) - Tell a Tall Tale or Meet the Hyperbole Family (PDF)